we are searching for staff/wir suchen nach Mitarbeitern
purchased by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
... an amazing year in all aspects
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
... and a special one for him as it is his 11th win at the tender age of 10 years
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Arqana August Select Yearling Sales
the filly by Sea the Stars ex Monaawara sells for GNS600.000
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
bred and owned by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, born and raised at Schlossgut Itlingen
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised and prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
... Stauffenberg Bloodstock again under the top 10 vendors
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls December Foal Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Arqana August Select Yearling Sales
born and raised at Schlossgut Itlingen
2yo Balzarini and 3yo Rosenzoo won at Windsor, respectivley Wolverhampton
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised and prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen
prepped as yearling at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
the dam of Derbywinner FANTASTIC MOON is back in foal to SEA THE MOON
the own-sister to Arizona and Nay Lady Nay back on track for her 4yo season and hoepfully up to black typed level
400 wins for horses bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
the homebred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg 2nd in Schwarzgold-Rennen, Gr.3
... for Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg at Meadow Farm in England
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
Sous les Etoiles foaled a quality filly by Night of Thunder
Galopper des Jahres/Horse of the Year celebrations at Hoppegarten
... the sister to the grand dam of Fantastic Moon foaled a filly by Hello Youmzain
he won the oldest public vote in the history of German sport 25 years after Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg started to breed at Schlossgut Itlingen
... at Schlossgut Itlingen
a quick double within 8 min
... out of the Stakes placed multiple 2yo winner Belle Anglaise
... is a colt by Havana Grey out of the Stakes placed multiple winner Gaja
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised and prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
raised and prepped Bloodstock at Schlossgut Itlingen
... a lifelong dream fulfilled and other amazing moments in 2023 ...
prepped as yearling at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls December Foal Sales
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls December Yearling Sales
bred and owned by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, born and raised at Schlossgut Itlingen
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised and prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised and prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
prepped as yearling at Schlossgut Itlingen and consigned by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised and prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
prepped as yearling at Schlossgut Itlingen and consigned by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
bred and owned by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised and prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen
prepped as yearling at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Arqana August Select Yearling Sales
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised and prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised and prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Arqana August Select Yearling Sales
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised and prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Arqana August Select Yearling Sales
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
2yo´s in the frame of the Queen Mary and Albany Stakes and a first personal attendance at this very special event
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
prepped as yearling at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Arqana August Select Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at Arqana Select Sale
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised and prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, born and raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
homebred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
Heshima won her Maiden and Fantastic Moon finished 3rd in the Bavarian Classic, Gr.3
prepped as yearling at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
foaling season is finished @Schlossgut Itlingen
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
now 3 colt and 3 filly foals born at Schlossgut Itlingen
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and consigned by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
now 2 colts and 2 fillies born at Schlossgut Itlingen
interesting birthdates this year, as 11/01 and 22/02 for the first two foals at Schlossgut Itlingen
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls Octover Yearling Sales
1st foal at Schlossgut Itlingen in 2023 and a 1st for SpW Gaja
... a remarkable year at every front
another successful Pinhook for Stauffenberg Bloodstock
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bldstck at the BBAG Yearling Sale
the 5 yearlings consigned and sold averaged GNS469.000
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and offered by Stauffenberg Bldstck at the BBAG Yearling Sale
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bldstck at the BBAG Yearling Sale
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised and prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised and prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and consigned by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls December Foal Sales
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at BBAG Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and offered by Stauffenberg Bldstck at the BBAG Yearling Sale
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
Enforced and Legende d'Art won at Brighton respectivley at Yarmouth
prepped and consigned by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
the Gr.1 placed Gr.2 winner boards at Schlossgut Itlingen
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock and raised at Schlossgut Itlingen
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
prepped as yearling at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen
... with a filly by Le Havre out of Norks Oaks winner Zahara
... a huge thank you to all who made it possible
the last runner of the year took the final figure to 55 wins and nearly €1.200.000 worldwide
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at BBAG Yearling Sales
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg and offered by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and consigned by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
we sold our highest prized yearling so far and were leading consignor by average
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
... as Embat won at Zarzuela
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and consigned by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
a first foray as consignor to Arqana pays off
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock and raised at Schlossgut Itlingen
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg he is an other successful pinhook by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock and raised at Schlossgut Itlingen
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg he was sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock and raised at Schlossgut Itlingen
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock and raised at Schlossgut Itlingen
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg at Schlossgut Itlingen he was sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg he was sold at the Tattersalls December Foal Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock and raised at Schlossgut Itlingen
raised and prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and consigned by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock and raised at Schlossgut Itlingen
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg he was sold at the BBAG Yearling Sale by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
... not a bad day in the office for Stauffenberg Bloodstock
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg he was sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls December Foal Sales
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg at Schlossgut Itlingen
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls December Foal Sales
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock and raised at Schlossgut Itlingen
now a 9yo, he was the 1st Pinhook for Stauffenberg Bloodstock
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg he was sold at the Tattersalls December Foal Sales
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg at Schlossgut Itlingen
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg she was sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock and raised at Schlossgut Itlingen
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock and raised at Schlossgut Itlingen
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg at Schlossgut Itlingen
second runner and second winner for Rusookh
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
an other Groupwinner prepped and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
she will be covered by Masar this season
... a colt by Sea the Stars and visits Kingman in 2021
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock and raised at Schlossgut Itlingen
... Golden Whip becomes the first mare of the season 2021 boarded there to be checked in foal
he was prepped and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
the dam of 2yo G3p Giuliana and Sp Geraldine was covered by multiple G1W Blue Point
the second foal of 2021 for Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg is one of the very few foals for them not born at Schlossgut Itlingen
Noelani foaled a colt by Zoffany
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg she was sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg he was sold at the BBAG Yearling Sale by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
an other winner pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg he was sold at the Goffs November Foal Sales
born and raised at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
... prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
... thanks to all who made it happen and all the best for 2021!
prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
bred by Graf und GräfinStauffenberg he was sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
... at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
he was prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
he was prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
he is now 2 from 2 at Happy Valley
... the second victory of the season for him in 2020
Hemingway completes a double for Stauffenberg Bloodstock BBAG Yearling Sales graduates
... and gains some Blacktyped after being a Norsk Oaks winner already
prepped and consigned by Stauffenberg Bloodstock on behalf of Dayton Investments Breeding Ltd
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales to Godolphin
highlight being a filly by Sea the Moon selling for GNS210.000 to Godolphin
sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls December Foal Sales
all offered yearlings have been sold and that is quite an achievemnet in itself in these difficult times
another 2yo winner pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
a personal best for Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the world´s flagship sale
she was pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
she will be added to the Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg broodmare band in the long term
an other Groupwinner sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock in 2020
... pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, he is the 2nd winner from 2 runners from Tattersalls Book I 2019
bred by Graf und Gräfin Stauffenberg at Schlossgut Itlingen
.. from the lofty locations at Saratoga and Hong Kong to Praha and Merano, the horses keep winning ...
yet an other big win for a Stauffenberg Bloodstock pinhook
an other successful pinhook for Stauffenberg Bloodstock
sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
clearance rate perfect, financial outcome reflecting the current market
he was pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
both sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
sold as a foal at the Tattersalls December Foal Sales
the 2yo Tattersalls graduate won now both her starts
The Stauffenberg Bloodstock Pinhook has now won 7 races and more than €200.000
the 25th win for a horse raised or prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen in 2020
sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
sold as a foal at the Goffs November Foal Sales
sold at the BBAG Yearling Sales
sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
prepped and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
sold as a foal at the Tattersalls December Foal Sales
sold at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
... she is the only horse of Graf and Grafin Stauffenberg in training in 2020
... the sister to Gr.2 winner Now we Can looks an exciting prospect for the year
sold at the BBAG Yearling Sales
she was sold at the BBAG Yearling Sales
sold at the Tattersalls December Foal Sales
sold at the Tattersalls Decemer Foal Sales
... for it's Pinhooking Syndicates
... at the BBAG Yearling Sales
... yet an other big winner prepped and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
23 of the 27 yearlings offered headed to new homes
another succesful Pinhook by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
prepped and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
... and brings up a lot of memories for her connections
she was prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen for the BBAG Yearling Sales
26 yearlings will be prepped for BBAG and Tattersalls
after having won at 2 at Chelmsford
he was already twice a winner in England before his private sale to Hongkong
sold at the BBAG Yearling Sales
... Jedhi starts with an impressive win at Haydock into the season
... this time he wins at Bath and looks a horse with a bright future
Lucky Lover Boy scores again - his 2nd in a row
C'est L'AMour foaled a strong colt by Holy Roman Emperor
bred and raised at Schlossgut Itlingen, he is an other graduate of the BBAG
again a success for a Pinhook by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
an other successful Pinhook by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
... started the season in best possible way
highest number of wins ever, again one of the leading yearling consignors at Tattersalls
... becomes the 3rd winner from 3 runners for his dam C'est L'amour
... so far 17 individual winners bred by the Stauffenbergs' in 2018
... he was successfully pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
... and stays in training for 2019
... of horses bred, raised or prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen
sold at the BBAG Yearling Sale she scored at Saint-Cloud
prepped and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sale
... a very good Book II makes up for a low Book I
... Jedhi wins again at Nottingham
... but not the greatest sale for Stauffenberg Bloodstock
... a few days before his sister sells at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
so we already passed the number of wins of whole 2017 before the end of September!
... sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
he was pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
she was sold as a foal at Goffs
... for his sisterCassandra selling at Tattersalls next month
winner No 101 bred by Marion and Philipp
...quite disappointing result for Stauffenberg Bloodstock as well
... as the next generation is presented at the BBAG Yearling Sales
an other successful pinhook for Stauffenberg Bloodstock
prepped and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock he is the highest rated 2yo in Germany
both sold at the BBAG Yearling Sales
... in a new 2yo record time over 7f for Haydock
sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
the 1st major pinhook success for Stauffenberg Bloodstock keeps winning
2 winners from the total sale so far, both sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
... and becomes the 1st winner of the BBAG Yearling Sales 2017 and the 1st for his sire Anodin in the UK
he is now unbeaten in his last 3 starts
both remain unbeaten in 2018
both winners sold at the BBAG Yearling Sales
sold as yearling in Book II of Tattersalls October
finally 6 fillies and 3 colts at Schlossgut Itlingen born
now clarly on route for the Scandinavian Classics
2nd start and 2nd win for the Stauffenberg Bloodstock Tattersalls October Yearling Sales graduate
and an other winner sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
... and a good debut for Flintrock in a Maiden known for throwing some Gr.1 winners
she was sold for only €5.000 as a foal at Goffs
300 known victories for horses bred under the name of Graf and Grafin Stauffenberg
... the filly foal collection got a wonderful addition
10th win in 2018 for a horse bred, raised or prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen
after 2 wins at 2 in England, this is her 5th overall
sold at the BBAG Yearling Sale for €22.000 and has now won €95,000
... Gone With The Wind won again at Wolverhampton
the only horse in training for champagne and bordeaux red wins with 9 length
multiple winner C'est L'amour foaled a well made filly by Helmet
he was sold at the BBAG Yearling Sales
2nd winner for her dam this month
... a smashing colt with plenty of bone and scope
sold at Goffs November Foal sales
... grey eyes and long ears
sold as a yearling by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the Tattersalls October Yearling Sales
... Karijini provides the 50th win of the season
1st foal of Norsk Oaks winner is an other top class prospect in Scandinavia
... but the polarisation of the market reaches a new level as well
... Fil Rouge strikes at Ovrevoll and Geraldine at Siracusa
all three have been offered at the BBAG Yearling Sale
... Calrissian has now won 25 races!
27% blacktyped/runners for Stauffenberg Bloodstock consigned yearlings at the BBAG
an other pinhooked winner for Stauffenberg Bloodstock
he is now 4 out of 4 winning easy at Chantilly
1st foal of C'est L'Amour, daughter of German Okas winner Centaine is now a winner
... as 13yo Calrissian and 10 yo Big Easy won in France and England
the former G3W has still the will to win
she is the 1st winner from the 2016 sales consignments of Stauffenberg Bloodstock
... and keeps up the hope for the classics
... by Lord of England out of La Reine Noir, a sister to Lady Marian
... he is the first winner for Stauffenberg Bloodstock in Spain
... tracing back to La Troienne one of the most influential broodmares
... he weighed 59 after birth
... the dam of Gr.2 winner Four Sins foaled her 10th colt in succession
... and thus a sister to Gr.2 winner Now We Can
13 years old, he is as sound and honest as an owner can wish for
... she could continue the family of German Oaks winner Centaine at Schlossgut Itlingen
sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales, the well bred filly has increased her already high value
on only the second start of his career
the 3/4 sister to Gr.1 winner Tamayuz visits Adlerflug in 2017
... by Lord of England out of Norsk Oaks winner Zegna
an other Stakes performer sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
Red Gunner and again Geraldine are from the youngest crop
... and thus GOLDEN WHIP has a 100% record with her first foals
... and becomes a broodmare for her owners Stall Perlen
impressive debut at Maisons-Laffitte
Abakahn wins Listed and Calrissian race 21
... and heads now for a Gr.3
6th win and now more than €67.000 prizemoney
... as 11 of the 12 yearlings were sold
nice update for this years consignment
she has now earned nearly €250.000
5th victory and now nearly €60.000 for this colt
sold at the BBAG Yearling Sales he is an other classic hope in Scandinavia
the old boy still has some enthusiasm left, coming from last to first without the whip
1st runner and winner from the Tattersalls October Sales consignment
1st 2yo starter and winner from the BBAG Yearling Sales consignment of STAUFFENBERG BLOODSTOCK
an other success for one of the pinhooks of STAUFFENBERG BLOODSTOCK
both sold at the BBAG Yearling Sales
3yo winner at Maisons-Laffitte
his fourth win and first over jumps
again 2 winners sold at the BBAG Yearling Sales
2 more for horses from the BBAG consignment of Stauffenberg Bloodstock
the filly out of a sister to Gr.1 winner LADY MARIAN was sold at the BBAG Yearling Sales
an other winner sold at the BBAG Yearling Sales
... and becomes a further winner sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at Tattersalls
prepped and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock on behalf of Haras de Saint Pair
he is a 12yo gelding, but still making headline news
... this time by excellent sire Oasis Dream
2yo winner Heart of Africa foaled her 1st foal by Champs Elysees
... an own brother to G2W Four Sins
... by 2yo Gr.1 winner and promissing sire CASAMENTO
sold by STAUFFENBERG BLOODSTOCK at the BBAG Yearling Sales
a filly foal by Excelebration is the first at Schlossgut Itlingen
new records, but slight concerns as well
now 4 winners from 5 runners from the 2014 crop in GB/IRE
in a tough market it was not easy to buy good foals for good value
Calrissian is now the winner of 18! races and more than €450.000
again a session topper for Stauffenberg Bloodstock
it was the 3rd of the current season for both of them
BBAG graduate romps home by 4,5 length
next 2yo winner prepped at Schlossgut Itlingen
mixed results, but at least a top 5 horse at BBAG
... and the 2nd sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock within 8 days
... LUCKY SPEED won the American St Leger at Arlington Park
3yo Moabit wins at Deauville and exciting 2yo and Derby entry Shahbar at Sandown
and an other sold at the BBAG Yearling Sale
a first at Galway and a 17th (!) for Calrissian at Vichy
... and this is his 16th victory
both bought as foals at the Tattersalls December Foal Sales
again a good advertisement for the consignments of STAUFFENBERG BLOODSTOCK
again a Stakeswinner sold at the BBAG Yearling Sale
sold at the Tattersalls December Foal Sales
an other winner sold at the BBAG Yearling Sales
... and thus an other Stakes race
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock, the colt has entries for several Gr.1
C'est L'Amour foaled a filly after Soldier Hollow
... his next aim is the Stora Pris, Gr.3
... at Dortmund and the prestigious Dante meeting at York
prepped and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sales
so far it looks as if we have a nice bunch of foals
with 2 Stakeswinners in the last 8 days the family is on fire
... at his debut in 2015 in the UK
this is her first filly foa lafter 5 colts
he is a brother to 7 winners including G2W Now We Can
can the brother of Lady Marian and Lucidor finally fulfill the early promise
first Stakes winner of 2015 bred by Graf und Grafin Stauffenberg
first 3yo winner and third winner overall from the 2013 BBAG consignment of Stauffenberg Bloodstock
3/4 sister to Tamayuz should establish the family of Allegretta
he is brother to two Derby entries as well
1st winner bred and raised at Schlossgut Itlingen in 2015 is in the bag
Classic winner foaled a filly by Nayef
new records raise the bar again
all for an international Pinhooking Syndicate
now winner of 15 races and more than €400.000
sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
good results lifted the first time consignor in the headlines
so far the best offspring for Soldier of Fortune
one of the most important handicaps goes to a horse bred and raised at SCHLOSSGUT ITLINGEN
headlines for Stauffenberg Bloodstock as well
so Stauffenberg Bloodstock's sole representative sold quite well
sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock as a yearling at the BBAG Autumn Sale
sold as a foal by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
successfull pinhook is now 2 from 3
sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock for only €12.000
10 out of 11 yearlings sold for an average of nearly €100.000
Germany's most important thoroughbred sale on the 2nd of September
2nd 2yo runner, 2nd winner sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
next classic winner sold by STAUFFENBERG BLOODSTOCK at the BBAG
sold at the BBAG as yearling
his brother sells at the BBAG Yearling Sale
his brother FIL ROUGE will be offered at the BBAG Yearling Sale by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
Stauffenberg Bloodstock offers her brother by SHAMARDAL
by leading sires, most of them are siblings to or out of high class performers
sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock in 2012
sold by STAUFFENBERG BLOODSTOCK at the BBAG for €12, won now €43
With Sea the Moon, she is again in the headlines
sold at the BBAG as yearling
3 runners - one winner, a 3rd and a 4th in a Gr.3
a fractured pelvis stops the talented filly
tracing back to the mighty La Troienne, the filly has now earned her place at the stud
sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG Yearling Sale
La Martina foaled a colt by Soldier Hollow
winning for the 2nd time in 2014
and the first homebred in 2014
now 6 winners in April sold by STAUFFENBERG BLOODSTOCK as yearlings
again a winner sold by STAUFFENBERG BLOODSTOCK
after 7 colts, we are glad to have got a filly out of her
first horse in training with Andre Fabre, first runner and first winner
sold at the BBAG by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
pinhooked by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
on 1st April 3 runners bred at Schlossgut Itlingen, one winner 2 placed
performed well behind two fillies fancied for the German Oaks
he remains unbeaten at 3 years
LA REINE NOIR foaled a filly as well
Kalahari Dancer foaled a filly by Siyouni
GONE WITH THE WIND one of a double for Frankie Dettori
busy 3 weeks in search for some jewels
former Gr.3 winner won his 13th race
High Chaparral colt proofed to be a bargain buy as a foal
Dark Angel/Caster Sugar sells to Shadwell Estate
his brother was sold to Katsumi Yoshida at the BBAG Yearling Sale
new service for all customers
yearlings have been sold to England, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan and USA
Stauffenberg Bloodstock will consign 12 quality yearlings
the next win for a STAUFFENBERG BLOODSTOCK consigned yearling
pick your future stars from STAUFFENBERG BLOODSTOCK
the 3rd German Derby winner for STAUFFENBERG BLOODSTOCK
son of NOTRE DAME now a Gr.2 winner
second winner for the dam of LADY MARIAN in 2013
an other Groupwinner consigned by STAUFFENBERG BLOODSTOCK
now on course for the Norsk 2000 Guineas
brother to Lady Marian is the 6th winner for his dam La Felicita
pinhook won her third race
an other high class 3yo sold by STAUFFENBERG BLOODSTOCK
could he become the third Classic Winner for his dam ZEPHYRINE
one of the last foals by MONSUN and can not be saved
John O'Kelly is the first to look at the yearlings for Tattersalls
formerly trained by Nicolas Clement as well
won now 4 times from 5 starts
he became the 5th winner for Gallivant
just 2 days after her sister Four Roses
like his sister FOUR SINS the colt is by an Arc winner
Dalakhani colt is French bred
3rd time successful and dominating at Chantilly
La Martina foaled after Holy Roman Emperor
the sister to LADY MARIAN is in foal to LAWMAN
this 2007 crop born at SCHLOSSGUT ITLINGEN produced 50% BTP
daughter of German Oaks winner CENTAINE foaled a colt by Champs Elysees
3 winners in the past 8 days bred and raised at Schlossgut Itlingen
2 runners, one winner, one second
Golden Whip foaled a filly by Invincible Spirit
4 yearlings bred by Graf und Grafin Stauffenberg have been entered
from a €20.000 foal to a €250.000 3yo
difficult to buy and to sell
nice update for Lot 1225 FIREWORK
3yo out of NOTRE DAME won now 2 races from only 3 starts
sold as a yearling by STAUFFENBERG BLOODSTOCK
the winner of the Prix Isola Bella sold as a foal by STAUFFENBERG BLOODSTOCK
and why her dam is named DONATIO
Falkensee sold, but colts by Dalakhani sell only for small money compared to his fillies
both colts on offer sold, but ...
her brother ZILBER will be sold at the Goffs Orby Sale as Lot 238
STAUFFENBERG BLOODSTOCK one of the leading consignors
second win from 3 starts for BBAG graduate
few days after ZEGNA winning the Norsk Oaks, this is an other welcome update for ZILBER
11th win for BBAG graduate
this provides a wonderful update for her yearling brother
12 yearlings consigned by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
consigned and sold by Stauffenberg Bloodstock at the BBAG
all mares have returned to Schlossgut Itlingen
second winner at the weekend for NOTRE DAME
prepared and sold by STAUFFENBERG BLOODSTOCK at the BBAG Yearling Sale
his dam NOTRE DAME has a 100% strike rate
5 of the 6 runners of the 2009 crop have won
3rd runner and 3rd winner for FIREDANCE
brother to Four Sins and own brother to 3yo hope Frontier
now 5 colts and 3 fillies in 2012
good debut augurs well for the 2012 season
sister to Lady Marian got a lovely filly by Montjeu
and his fourth race overall
and remains unbeaten in 2012
so two grand sons of FRAULEIN TOBIN aiming high
FRONTIER remains in the Epsom Derby
filly is unbeaten after 2 starts in France
3yo filly remains unbeaten
now on the way to Cheltenham
Golden Whip the first mare covered and in foal
... 2 out of 4 entered in European Classics
... by NAYEF out of FLAMES TO DUST
La Martina foaled a colt by Medicean
mutiple Stakeswinner died
only Gr.1 winners and a mix of proven and promising stallions
... thinking positive, there are 3 new broodmares added for 2012
the buyers are a compliment for the team at Schlossgut Itlingen
now three 2yo winners in England, France and Ireland
they will be replaced by two Maiden mares
promissing win for the son of FOUR ROSES
all yearlings offered have been sold
her brother is Lot 84 at the BBAG Yearling Sale
10 quality yearlings on offer at the premier German Sale
... and is an other testimonial for her mother, which died 10 days ago
big loss for all at Schlossgut Itlingen
but tragedy follows the joy
Zephyrine and Shades of Beige did us a great favour
3yo now with 2 wins from 3 starts
in 2011 already 4 wins in France by horses raised at Schlosscgut Itlingen
Kalahari Dancer foaled after Duke of Marmalade
the brother of FOUR SINS is by Montjeu
son of BELLE ALLEMANDE now Gr.2 winner
now two 3yo runners and winners in 2011 bred at SCHLOSSGUT ITLINGEN
6th success for the durable gelding
3yo Sweet Whip wins in France
DIE NACHT sold, GALLIVANT purchased
sold in 2004 at Tattersalls, bought back in 2010 at Goffs
this time 2nd in Baden-Baden
very good start for the season in Punchestown
and again a double for her breeders as well
CALRISSIAN and LUCIDOR are victorious
Fairfield Flame wins at Melbourne
but pleasant results for Stauffenberg Bloodstock
13 years after her dam she won a Listed in Baden-Baden as well
bred and raised at Schlossgut Itlingen
his yearling brother LYCIDAS is in the catalogue of the BBAG Yearling Sale
his brother by VERGLAS is selling at the BBAG Yearling Sale
Shirocco has his first winner
bred and raised at Schlossgut Itlingen
his brother will be offered at the BBAG Yearling or October Sale Part I
his sister will be offered at the BBAG Yearling Sale
her sister GOLDEN ERA will be offered at the BBAG Yearling Sale
now aiming for the French 2000 Guineas
after Germany and England now in France
the colt won for HRH Princess Haya in England
Firedance and Shades of Beige foaled
quite impressive victory at her 3yo debut
good mixture of proven and young stallions
20th winner of 2009 bred by Graf und Grafin Stauffenberg
now 44% of the 2005 crop Blacktype
Keyora won his next Guineas
and more good results across Europe
and again a win in England
and an update for Lot 148 at the BBAG
... and the horses have a lot in common
2 starts and 2 wins in 2009
daughter by AZAMOUR finished 2nd
Galileo brother to FOUR SINS
brother of FOUR SINS wins with something in hand
we sell Group winners, not only offer them
FONTANA wins in Rome, Cent Cheveux Blanc placed in Krefeld
Globeform states in a Dubai preview
her dam SASSENACH was purchased by Stauffenberg Bloodstock
Dance or Romance foaled in France
3rd individual winner this month
new broodmare at Schlossgut Itlingen
"Sinful" session at Goffs November
first Gr.1 winner bred by Graf und Grafin Stauffenberg
close relative to Lady Marian wins her Maiden
he is the next Patternwinner bred by the Stauffenbergs
now a Gr.3 winner in France as well
important update for Lot 269 at the BBAG Yearling Sale
nice update for Lot 25 at the BBAG Yearling Sale
2nd Groupwinner for LA FELICITA
QUEENS WILD foaled with 17 days delay
impressive 3yo winner at Italian Derby day in Roma
CENTAINE foaled a 3/4 brother to CLIFFROSE
First winner for Henry Cecil in 2008
his sisters are boarded in Schlossgut Itlingen
the next winner for QUEENS WILD
winners in DK, F, GB, GER, IRE, Ity and SWE
very good update for Queens Wild
and an update in Hong Kong
3yo versatile colt placed in two Derbies before
her sister will be offered in Deauville in December
the second Gr.1 performer out of Fairy Lights
2yo brother to Four Sins earns €30,000
her sister will be offered in Deauville in December
biggest payday for the filly
3rd win for Itlingen raised colt
filly wins the Blandford Stakes for the Aga
A collector's item at the BBAG Sale on 01/09/2007
Calrissian 3rd in Swedish Derby
world record yearling died of a heart attack
brother of Four Sins is last foal of the season
Four Sins´ Vodafone Oaks participation hinges on a crucial piece of work next Tuesday
Queen´s Wild foaled a colt by Seattle Dancer
sister to FAIRFIELD FLAME born
filly entered in Salsabil Stakes
$525,000 breezer won his first race
mistake cost him the chance
more information, better outlook, quicker to load